Why I Am Intimidated By My Cricut

It arrived last week.

I tore into the box…

Emptied all the contents…

Looked everything over…

And loaded the box back up.

It has been sitting in the living room mocking me ever since.

I am terrified of this machine.

I’ve wanted a Cricut Expression for a while now, even though I have no interest whatsoever in scrap booking, which I know is how a lot of people use their Cricuts.

I’m more fascinated by making vinyl wall sayings and images that can go on the walls…and custom stencils that can be used for crafts/gifts…and maybe for making a few cards…or cutting out fabric appliques for sewing…there are tons of amazing projects that this machine can create.

I’m just not sure where to begin.

The kit came with an instructional dvd…but it kind of got warped in the box, and my attempts to “flatten” it haven’t worked.  So I turned to YouTube videos, which have been somewhat helpful but not so motivating.  This weekend I gave myself a pep talk to get the thing out of the box…but I laid on the couch instead.

I am not in creative mode, apparently.

But while doing some SwagBuck searching on the web, I found this site, which has some super cute ideas. I am loving the: wall art, fabric shapes/flower shirt, and the memory games.

Now that I’ve found some fun ideas, I just need to find some motivation. Help!  Anyone have one of these that they’re using for projects other than scrap booking?  Any tips or advice?   All input is much appreciated!


2 thoughts on “Why I Am Intimidated By My Cricut

  1. The instructional DVD was a great help for me 🙂 Do you need to borrow mine? Also, I’ve done the vinyl stuff for waterbottles and it was super fun! I’ll facebook you a pic. Do you have any vinyl? If not, order some and when it comes you won’t be able to resist trying out that machine. Or, if that’s not motivating enough – come up with a baby name frame craft. Figure out what you want to do and use the Cricut to spell out the baby’s name as soon as your done, you’ll be hooked! If you still lived in my backyard you would be over borrowing mine all the time, I’m sure 😉

  2. I LOVE what you did with your water bottle! And I love the idea of doing something with the baby’s name…so thanks for the inspiration! I am ordering vinyl today, so hopefully this weekend I will get some projects in the works and get this ball rolling. I hope to have some pics to share next week if all goes well – fingers crossed!!

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